Some Little Fat Robin Christmas Decorations

I’m having a bit of an air-dry clay obsession at the moment, and this week I made some little Christmas decorations for my tree. They didn’t come out exactly as I planned them in my head… but I thought I’d share anyway as the quirky homemade decorations are always nicer than the bought ones. Right?!

These are little Christmas clay robins. They are NOT, as my partner George enquired, ‘upside down Christmas Puddings…?’ Hmph.

robins 1

They are made from air dry clay, cut to size from a paper template and then sanded down when dry with a foam nail file.


I used felt tip pens to add colour and then glazed with good varnish (Mod Podge works well but I use Triple Thick).

decorations 2

decorations 3    decorations 4

 Bless their little podgy faces. Maybe I should try Christmas puddings next year…

robins 2

Tia xx