Little Bear Hand Warmers: Our Latest Hobbycraft Post

bear handwarmer tutorial from little button diaries

Look at this cute little bear! Don’t you just want to… pop him in your pocket? Our latest Hobbycraft Post shows you how to make him – stitch him up and stuff him with rice. Easy Peasy.

For the full tutorial, hop on over to Hobbycraft’s Blog.

Tia & Laura x


Mini Toffee Apple Pops

‘Tis the season of sparklers, hot chocolate and lovely crunchy toffee apples – all of which I am a big fan. I even make toffee apples outside of the bonfire season (gasp) in the warmer months, which might be a bit weird.

toffee apple 3

This year my apple tree decided to produce a whopping FIVE apples. Beautiful specimens they were too. So I thought I would try and go miniature on my bonfire treats and make bite-size lollies that give you a little pop of apple. These are really simple to make and pretty (golden) delicious…

toffee apple

– 3 apples
– 2 cups caster sugar
– 1/2 tsp white vinegar
– 1/2 cup water
– kebab or lolly sticks
– 100s & 1000s (optional)

First take the apples, chop them into quarters and remove the pips with your knife. Chop each quarter neatly in half.

If using kebab sticks, cut them into three so that they are lollipop length and then place each stick into the apple pieces.

toffee apple 2

lay out a piece of parchment paper and prepare your toffee. To do this, all you need to do is put all your ingredients into a pan and bring to the boil (WARNING: very hot!!). Then turn down the heat and simmer for about 20 minutes, until the mixture thickens. To check the right consistency, drop a small piece into a glass of cold water. It should go hard and brittle.

toffee apple 1

Take the pan off the heat and quickly dunk each apple chunk into the mixture so that it is coated in the toffee. Place on the parchment for about 5 minutes to cool. Then for added decoration you can dip them in 100s & 1000s (or even vermicelli or grated chocolate if you fancied).

A seasonal and healthyI(er…) alternative to cake pops!

Tia x