Frozen Olaf Snowglobe DIY

Do you Want to Build a Snowglobe?

frozen olaf snow globe little button diaries tutorial

Like 99.9% of all little girls, my 2 and a half year old is obsessed with Frozen. What IS it with that film? I now find her singing Let it Go in her sleep (cute) and find me singing it in my head. All. Day. Long (annoying).

If you’re after a cute little Christmas Project, this is a great one to do with kiddies. Obviously it doesn’t have to be Olaf, you could just make a snowman (or The Snowman!) or use a plastic figurine instead of making one from fimo.

You Will Need:

  • Polymer Clay (e.g. Fimo) in white, orange and black)
  • Jam Jar
  • Superglue
  • Blue acrylic paint
  • glitter & little stars

1. To make Olaf: Begin by rolling two balls of white clay and pressing together to make his body.

frozen olaf snow globe little button diaries 1

2. Make the head – this is probably the trickiest bit as its a weird shape – take an oval of clay and attach two smaller bits as per the image below and smooth together with your fingers.

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3. Attach a little tooth and some eyeballs.

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4. roll a cone of orange for the nose, some black eyes and then some eyebrows. To be honest, I slightly regretted the eyebrows. I mean, Olaf HAS eyebrows, but I think I made him look a bit worried… oh well. You can decide if you want eyebrows or not!

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5. Press the head onto the body. Roll some thin strips of black for the arms and some coal buttons and press these in place. Bake as per the manufacturers instructions. When it has cooled, glue it onto the centre of the jar lid, leave to set and then paint blue.

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6. Now the fun bit! Pour glitter and twinkly metal stars into the jar. Some DIY snowglobe tutorials use painted crushed eggshells for snow so you could do this, but I wanted mine to be super sparkly more than anything else.

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Fill with water, then screw on the lid and glue along the edge to seal it. All done! Olaf, and his own personal snow flurry.

Tia x

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Nap Time Crafts: Simple glitter card

bestie card 4

Want a simple and super (super) quick card? This one takes about 10 minutes to make (plus drying time). When Harper turned 1 we decided to make her a little card from her best buddy Amelie. Kids love to get involved with a bit of glittler and glue.

You will need:
Card stock

bestie card

To create the glitter card simply sketch out a word, message or picture in pencil, then go over the pencil lines in glue and tip glitter all over, shake to spread the glue and then set to dry.

bestie card 2 bestie card 3

bestie card 5

Tia x

Glitter Banner

Happy birthday glitter banner how to

In a few weeks my Little Button will be one year old. I’m sure every mother says this but I can’t believe how quickly the year has gone. She has changed from a tiny baby to my sweet, characterful little girl.

We’re planning a small family party for her and I’m busily preparing decorations for the occasion. I apologise now if my next 50 posts are all birthday craft related!

For this project you will need:

  • Sheets of glitter paper
  • Bakers twine and needle
  • Scissors

(My handwriting isn’t the best, and I wanted to make sure all the letters were the same size and style, so I used a computer to print them out. If you’re more artistic than me, you can skip the next bit and just freestyle!)

Begin by typing your phrase into a programme like Microsoft Word. I used the Arial Black font, sized 300, to print out my wording, and then cut each letter out.

glitter birthday banner

This gave me nice clear template letters, which I could then place on to the glitter paper. The benefit (for me) of doing it this way is that I wasn’t wasting lots of pieces of glitter paper trying and failing to cut out neat lettering by hand.

To attach the letters to the bakers twine, I threaded them with a needle, putting two holes in the top of each letter. I started with the thread at the back of each letter, pulled it through to the front, and then passed it back around itself so the thread was at the back of the letter again. It took a bit of trial and error to get the spacing between the letters looking nice, and to make sure I had enough ‘hanging’ string left at both ends. I’d recommend adding a few letters at a time and regularly holding it up to check you’re happy with the look of it as you go.

happy birthday glitter banner how to

One birthday craft down… only another 4,736 to go. Yikes!

We also made the sign again as a way to announce the birth of Little Button number 2!

little button diaries

~ Laura xx ~

Song Lyric Artwork


“I’m just sitting on a shelf” is one of my all-time favourite song lyrics from the band She and Him. Their first album, which the song comes from, has so much meaning in our household that I wanted to display the lyrics somehow.

After a search on Pinterest I found an inventive way of displaying the lyrics via a beautiful mess. This is a really simple project and the possibilities are endless.

For this project you will need:

  • A paint by numbers set
  • Moveable vinyl lettering
  • Spray paint


Begin by painting your paint by numbers.


Once it is dry can you position your letters onto the painting. I used moveable vinyl letters so they could be peeled off without any marks. I used a ruler to make sure the letters were straight and evenly spaced.

Once you are happy with your layout it’s time to spray paint. In a well ventilated area spray the whole picture so the letters and paint by numbers are well covered. I used up and down movements over the picture so as not to get a build up of spray paint in one area.

Once the paint is completely dry, carefully peel off the letters and you’re done.



~ Laura xx ~