Our First Paperchase Project!

paper chase paper train tutorial

We’re so excited to share our news that we are now going to be working with high street stationers, Paperchase, on their recently launched blog, The Journal. We are probably the two biggest fans of Paperchase out there (we both recently bought a whole load of matching stationery from there… losers!) so to be working with them makes us really happy.

They asked us to create a half term project for kids using their Spectrascope range of paper and card. So we created a paper train to be made with the help of your little ones. For the step-by-step tutorial, check out our post over on The Journal.


If you like what we do and have two minutes spare, we’d love it if you could vote for us for the MADs (Mum and Dad Awards) for Best Craft Blog. Click on the picture below, enter a blog of the year first, then enter us for Best Craft Blog. Thank you!!


~ Laura & Tia xx ~

A BIG Thank You

little button diaries little button diaries

Yesterday we found out that our blog has become a finalist in the Brilliance in Blogging Awards (BIBs) for Best Craft Blog. When we found out via twitter, we did a wiggly, jiggly dance and texted each other with a OMG!!!!!! We are so grateful to everyone who voted for us to get this far, anyone who comments on our posts and for turning up in the first place and reading our blog – we wouldn’t be here without you (we’d like to give you all a big hug). We’re up against so really fantastic crafts blogs and feel very privileged to be among them. Click here to have a look at the finalists.

 And, erm… if you feel like voting again (you know you want to!) then nominations for the Best Craft Blog in the MADs (Mum and Dad Awards) are still open. We’d love to make this year a double whammy and reach the finals. All you need to do is click on the picture, enter a blog of the year then select us for Best Craft Blog. 


 Thanks again, we’re still pinching ourselves.

 ~ Laura & Tia xx ~

Life In Pictures

Life in Pictures is our weekly mini-gallery of what our Little Buttons have been up to over the last seven days. We’ve had a REALLY exciting weekend… we’ll share all the details very soon, but for now here’s a little taster. 

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EEEEK! We’re Finalists for the MAD Blog Awards!


We are very (very very very) happy to announce that we have been shortlisted for BEST CRAFT BLOG at the 2014 MAD Blog Awards!!!! Can you hear the squeals as we type this? We can barely contain our excitement and are struggling to resist the urge to fill this post with exclamation marks!!!!!!!! (Sorry, couldn’t help that one…). The MADs are the Mum and Dad Blog Awards, that honour the best parent blogs in the country.

We’d like to say a big and very grateful THANK YOU to everyone who voted – it really does mean the world to us. We’re sure the Little Button Diaries will be up against some fairly stiff and serious competition, but we would be so happy if you could vote for us once more to win! Just click the link below (or visit www.the-mads.com/awards/) and press “Vote Now” in the Best Craft Blog section.

mad blog awards
We would especially like to thank Victoria at Verily, Victoria Vocalises for nominating us in the first place and letting us know – thank you Victoria!


Tia, Laura, and our Little Buttons xx

little button diaries mad blog award